The List

This is a list I have been cultivating for some time now. Places to visit, skills to learn, things to try. Hopefully, I will achieve some of the stuff I’ve put down here. If it is in a public place, more incentive to start ticking stuff off.

Places to visit

  • Dive in the Great Barrier Reef
  • Drive Route 66
  • Hike in the Grand Canyon
  • Hike in Yellowstone National Park
  • Attend Octoberfest
  • See Ayers Rock
  • Visit the Vatican
  • Visit Stanton-Drew stone circle
  • Travel to Jerusalem & Galilee
  • Swim in the Dead Sea
  • Walk along a glass bridge in China
  • Drive the Transfagarsan Highway
  • Hike the Inca Trail
  • See the Northern Lights
  • See an Opera in Sydney Opera House
  • Visit Angkor Wat
  • Go to Star Wars Celebration
  • Go to Yogcon
  • Go to RTX
  • Go to London Comic-con
  • Drive an ATV in the Sahara

Things I want to learn or do

  • Learn how to skateboard
  • Build an R2D2
  • Build a lightsaber
  • Build a drone
  • Run 5k in less than 23 minutes